
House of Kai Leng Village

Last Update : 2010/01/13
Listing Code : 3748-9118
Floor : G/F
No. of bedrooms : 3
No. of Bathrooms : 1
Size : 700 sq. ft.
Actual Ratio : 95%
price per sq.foot : $11

Listing Highlights

View : Open View, Garden View, City View
Characteristics : Fully Renov., Partly Elec. App., New Kitchen

Building Highlights

Property Type : Village
Contact agent/agency or owner
Company Name : Polyunit Property Agency Co.
License : E-146558-A000
Address : G/F, 41A Wo Tai Street, Luen Wo Market, Fanling, N.T.
Contact Person : Mr. Leung
Phone : 26772844/92818757
Fax : 26825066
Website : www.polyunit.co..


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